Banner for group homepage (?):   Peace-header

You will need

  • An inflatable globe
  • Instruction sheet
  • Selection of headlines from newspapers 
  • Headlines printed from the internet about poorer countries struggling with Covid-19
  • Black lining fabric
  • Small battery-operated tea lights
  • Instruction sheet A3
  • Some information on Tearfund or a similar charity for people to take away
  • The Bible passages printed large on A3 card or laminated

How to set up 

  • Place the lining fabric over a table
  • Suspend the globe from the ceiling above
  • Spread the newspapers and internet headlines over the space
  • Intersperse with the tea lights
  • Put the instruction sheet in a prominent place such as on a music stand next to the table
  • Position the Bible passage where people can clearly read it

Instruction sheet to download

Peace and Justice instructions to display

Download these Bible verses to print and display


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