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We’re here to help you introduce those around you to Jesus. 

We’ve got creative and come up with some ideas to do that. We’ve done research so that what we’re sharing is shaped by solid evidence. (Find out more on our research page.) And we’ve designed and created resources just for you and your church.

Our resources are for adults, young adults, youth and children. Everything we do is rooted in prayer and we are always thinking about how to encourage people who are spiritually curious on their journey with God.

So, let’s get started and help you find your way around:


Resourcing for different age groups


We divide our adult resources into five categories:

Pray - Give - Say - Invite - Inhabit 

These are resources to share during a conversation, through a door, from the food bank, or given to a friend, neighbour or family member.

Most people come to faith through a family member or a friend, so we all have a part to play. Sometimes being given something to read is the easiest way to help someone you know take a step toward Jesus.

We have a whole range of resources to give:

  • The Wellbeing booklet - starts a conversation about wellbeing that gently leads to spiritual things.
  • The Hope for All Magazine - easy to read, accessible and attractive, and filled with stories of Christian celebrities and powerful testimonies. You could post one through all the doors of houses in your community, or hand it to a friend when you’re having a coffee.
"We use the Hope for All magazines because they’re totally amazing! They are the best resource that we have, I feel, that can go into homes. They’re relevant, they’re accessible to unbelievers and they speak about the gospel really clearly, so for us it’s a win-win!"

Faye Clark, pastor of Elohim Church in Barlestone
  • Mark’s Gospel - 24% of Christians say that reading the Bible for themselves was key in their coming to faith. This contemporary Mark’s gospel is both eye-catching and engaging. 
  • Remembering the Queen - The late Queen left a huge legacy of faith and service. Our books are a great way to share with others about the Queen's Christian faith and let her incredible life and example continue to speak to us.
"Aesthetically, they’re incredibly pleasing – just a really well-made product. Even the language that’s used is very accessible for both Christians and non-Christians."

Ben Jones, Student Lead at The Well in Sheffield, where Mark’s gospels were given away to university freshers


Conversations helped 15% of adults come to faith, so we need to chat about what we believe. Those we are close to want to hear from us! These resources help people get talking about faith.
  • Talking Jesus - this research-based course helps us all get skilled up and to have more and better faith conversations. Try it in your home group.
  • The Wellbeing Journey -  Get talking about how we’re really all doing! This is a great course to use with both Christians and non-Christians, and it always provokes meaningful conversations. You could try hosting this in your community.
“In the times that we are living in, the topic of Wellbeing has never been more relevant or important.”

Simon Thomas, Ex–Sky & Blue Peter Presenter and co-host of the Wellbeing Journey video series. 


Take chances to welcome people. Get intentional about all the calendar moments in the year when the church has a natural opportunity to invite people in. The obvious one is Christmas, but there are lots of others; summer fun days, Easter or Remembrance Day. You can find out more about these on our outreach calendar.
  • Season of Remembrance - we have resources to help you serve the community at this time, by hosting a service of remembrance for all those who have lost a loved one. There are invites and service plans to help you. You could invite those you know who have been bereaved and then run the Bereavement Journey or the Wellbeing course and invite those who attend the service along.
  • Christmas - One of the key dates in our Outreach Calendar, Christmas offers us an incredible opportunity to share our faith. Check out our Christmas resources here.
  • Discover the Bible - Invite someone to find out what the Bible has to say. The Discovery Bible method has helped thousands of Christians share their faith easily. You can download the app or order the book to help you read the Bible with a friend or someone interested in finding out more about the Christian faith.


We also help you get alongside people where they already are, creating space for them to encounter God in the midst of everyday life.

Here are some ideas about how you could do that:
  • Hope Spaces - create a prayer space in a public spot in your community. For example - you could hire out a shop front. You might create an environment for people to pray privately, offer prayer, host art sessions or Bible studies, give away Hope resources, or run a Wellbeing course. This is an opportunity to engage with people as they walk by.
  • Home to home - start visiting all the homes in your community and offering prayer. Use the Oikos app to help track the places you’ve visited.
  • Hope spaces online - is a site that helps non-Christians pray. You could share this with friends on social media.


Our Talking Jesus research was so important for our strategy around adults that we also carried out similar research amongst young people. The Influencers research is a partnership project, aiming to understand how young people (age 13-18) have been influenced by peers in their journey towards becoming a Christian and to understand how they influenced peers themselves. The results helped us to develop our youth evangelism strategy, which focuses on peer-to-peer evangelism.    

Together with our partners, Hope Youth has facilitated the creation of various initiatives and resources, including Mission Academy, Mission Academy Live and Amplify, with a specific focus on developing 11-17 year-old evangelists.



Schools are obviously an excellent place to connect with young people, and these resources can help you do that:

Because You're Loved [BYL] is a resource originally designed to act as a catalyst for young people to show and share their faith. Doing a ‘Who Loves You?’ video campaign works well in the current climate. Find our more here.


Our ‘Talking Toddlers’ research showed us that 74% of all adult parents with children under the age of 5 are in touch with the church. This is a huge outreach opportunity - especially through parent and toddler groups and other toddler-related services. The research also told us that young families with children under five could be a vital element for church growth. Read the full report.

In response to the data, we have created a network of toddler group leaders. This group gathers online for webinars and to encourage one another and swap ideas. 

Our God's Big Story Resources are specific resources for under-5s in partnership with Happyland . The first one is called ‘God Washes the World’ and you can find out all about the book, as well as our growing amount of supporting resources here.

Young Adults

Aged 18 -25?

We’re here to help you discover a passion for evangelism. 

Come and join us on Wild Hope this summer and you’ll never be the same!


Everything we do at Hope Together is shaped by our research into the culture and the times that we’re living in. This shapes our strategy and we want it to shape yours. 

Some of our research includes:

Talking Jesus - a survey first done in 2015 and re-done in 2022. It's about what people really think about Jesus, Christians and the church and measures the state of faith in the nation. I can help you shape your evangelism strategy.  

Talking Toddlers - 74% of parents with children under the age of 5 are in touch with the church - this great research helps us understand the importance of Toddler ministry for mission.

Hybrid and on-line church - examining the impact of the pandemic on our mission - which shows the importance of being in the digital world. 

Influencers aiming to understand how young people (age 13-18) have been influenced by peers in their journey towards becoming a Christian and to understand how they influenced peers themselves. 


We always start with prayer. 

When we pray together, we find it so much easier to work together in mission. 

Can you join us? 

We love it when local churches and Christians get together across an area to pray for their street, neighbourhood or town.

Join us and get involved with the Oikos app

Just Pray 
- Join us for ‘Just Pray’ - on the 22nd of every month - online for 20 minutes. Come and pray for people to come to know Jesus. We will be on Facebook Live!

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